Well, I hope this has all been worth it for you. I surely haven't ever seen any easier way to learn the keyboard: if you have PLEASE send it to me!   This has been an experiment in true electronic publishing. Many musicians have reviewed this book and many students have cut their teeth here. Most have claimed that nothing has proved easier or a faster way to learn music theory. If you don't agree, then please destroy all copies of this work. If you keep it, treat it just as if you had purchased it in a book store: please send along the $5 cost. (The actual published version, carried in bookstores, cost $6.95!) Make a check to: Tracy Valleau PO Box 834 Pacific Grove, CA 93950-0834 Remember that making music isn't knowing how to read sheet music; it isn't knowing a bunch of theory (or even my rules): it's just teaching your muscles what to do next. In that way it's a lot like sports: you don't want to be thinking about it... ...you want to be doing it! That's why the old joke about How you get to Carnegie Hall ISN'T "study, study,study" - it's "Practice, practice, practice" People play sports for fun, and making music is for fun too! So have a nice time..... Copyright 1990 Tracy Valleau. All rights reserved.